by David Schlussel | Dec 29, 2023 | blog, featured
A special pause happens in the space between Christmas and New Years. Less traffic, the last-minute rushing abated… the whole culture slows down. It reminds me of how the universe is mostly empty space. There is more space between planets than the planets themselves....
by David Schlussel | Dec 4, 2023 | blog, featured
Ever watched a movie with someone who had seen it a million times, who was narrating the film as it’s playing, telling you what’s about to happen, what’s going to be funny, what’s going to be sad? Don’t you wish they’d let you just watch the movie so you...
by David Schlussel | Aug 12, 2023 | blog, featured
You know that classic scenario – someone just wants to be heard, and the person listening is trying to go in and problem solve, throwing in advice before the story is fully revealed? It leaves the speaker so frustrated. A skilled listener can listen in a way...
by David Schlussel | Feb 23, 2023 | blog, featured
“If you want to be on a spiritual path, you’d better get used to living in paradox.” – Godfrey Devereux Paradox is when two seemingly opposite things are true at the same time. Much of the process of a spiritual path is reconciling what we...
by David Schlussel | Jun 5, 2019 | blog, featured
I heard this in a song from my incredibly talented friend through her Instagram post: my thoughts become my reality my thoughts become my reality my mind is always thinking better give it something good ’cause my thoughts become my reality ~Adey Bell I was not...
by David Schlussel | May 18, 2018 | blog, featured
With bright, shining eyes, he approached and shared with me his experience from the class. He said that because of his chronic pain, yoga had been really hard for him. Today, he didn’t push himself, and held back from the harder poses. Today, instead of...